If you need pictures to illustrate your article about Docear (be it a Blog, newspaper, or newsletter article), feel free to use the following pictures. They are completely free to use and you don’t need to mention where they are from, as long as you do not change the pictures (except minor cosmetic corrections, or cropping), and use them for an article about Docear. If you have questions regarding the use of the pictures or Docear in general, please contact us .
16×16 [.png]
32×32 [.png]
48×48 [.png]
96×96 [.png]
256×256 [.png]
Windows Icon (several sizes combined) [.ico]
For screenshots of Docear, please visit the Screenshots & Videos page.
Other pictures
There are some pictures from external photographers (all from Photocase.com) that we used e.g. for the video or to illustrate Docear in some PowerPoint presentations. You might also find these pictures useful. However, be aware that you need to accept the Photocase licence.