If you like Docear, we kindly ask you to donate since every donation greatly helps ensuring the future development of Docear.
Although we, i.e. the core team, have scholarships that cover our basic living costs, your donation is needed. We have expenses for servers (for this website, the recommender system, the online backup service, etc.), external freelancers (e.g. Docear4Word was developed by a freelancer whom we paid), and students who support us occasionally. A few expenses are paid by our universities, but most expenses are paid by us and during the past years this accumulated to several thousand Euros.
As Docear is free and open source, and we are not generating any income (and our scholarships are not very generous), we highly appreciate any financial support. We use every single donation to cover our expenses, and you can be sure that the more donations we receive the faster Docear will progress. Therefore, every single donation matters, however small or large in sum.
If the buttons don’t work, you can also send money directly to . Don’t like PayPal? You can also use Skrill (formerly MoneyBookers) and send money to . If you live within the European Union, you can directly transfer money to our bank account: