Docear4Word 1.02: Fixing some sorting problems

Docear4Word 1.02 is available for download. It fixes one bug that occurred when adding several references at once. For instance, when you inserted three references [1-3], added another three references [4-6] and then added all six references again you would expect to get [1-6] but instead you got a list like [1,2,5,3,6,4].

Just for those […]

New Docear release: Beta 3 with update-check, information retrieval, licence, and several bug fixes

The third Beta of Docear was released today (download here). Besides several bug fixes, the major changes are:

An automatic update-check which informs you when a new version of Docear was released. We also have a proper licence now you have to accept when starting Docear for the first time. Of course, the main licences […]