Docear’s Online Services Are Down (Recommendation; User Registration; Backup)

Currently, all of Docear’s online services are down.


New paper for UMAP’15: Exploring the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps

One reason why we originally started the development of Docear was our interest in how people are creating mind-maps and how the information contained in mind-maps could be used for building recommender systems and other user-modeling applications.


How to proceed with the development of the Docear4LibreOffice add-on ?

More than half a year ago, we started a call for donation to pay a freelancer who wanted to develop an add-on for LibreOffice and OpenOffice, comparable to Docear4Word. Originally, we estimated that it would take about 2 months before the work was completed, or at least a decent demo version was ready to released. […]

Update of the Google Scholar PDF Metadata Retrieval Library

In the past few weeks, several users reported that Docear could not retrieve metadata more from Google Scholar any more. It took as a while, but now we found and fixed the problem – hopefully. We need your help to test if the fixed version really works well for all of you (it’s very hard […]

Docear 1.1.1 Beta with Academic Search Feature

As you may know, Docear features a recommender system for academic literature. To find out which papers you might be interested in, it parses your mind maps and compares them to our digital library with currently about 1.8 million academic articles. While this is helpful and might point you to papers relevant for your general […]

Docear’s new workspace and workflow concept: We need your feedback!

In the past years, Docear evolved to a powerful software for managing literature and references. However, we have to admit that Docear is still not as user friendly as we would like it to be. This is mainly caused by the workspace concept which is not very intuitive.


Docear 1.0.3 Beta: rate recommendation, new web interface, bug fixes, …

Update: February 18, 2014: No bugs were reported, as such we declare Docear 1.03 as stable. It can be downloaded on the normal download page.

With Docear 1.0.3 beta we have improved PDF handling, provided some help for new users and enhanced the way how you can access your mind maps online.

PDF Handling

We […]

Docear 2013 in review and our plans for 2014

It’s almost a bit late to review 2013 but better late than never. 2013 doubtlessly was the most active and most successful year for Docear, so far. First and foremost, we finally released Docear 1.0, after releasing many Beta and Release Candidates. Of course, Docear 1.0 is far from being perfect, but we are really […]

Comprehensive Comparison of Reference Managers: Mendeley vs. Zotero vs. Docear

Which one is the best reference management software? That’s a question any student or researcher should think about quite carefully, because choosing the best reference manager may save lots of time and increase the quality of your work significantly. So, which reference manager is best? Zotero? Mendeley? Docear? …? The answer is: “It depends”, because […]

Docear 1.02 Beta: Serious PDF Bug Fix; added a donation button

We discovered a serious bug in Docear that relates to the PDF management. In some situations, it could happen that when you edited a PDF, the annotation IDs were not recognized correctly, and a conflict was shown. We fixed this bug and publish Docear 1.02 as a beta version today. Right now, the Beta version […]

Donation volume rapidly increased during the past 2 weeks

After reporting about the rather low donation volume a few weeks ago, donations rapidly increased during the past two weeks. In these two weeks we received more than 200 Dollars, which is half of what we got in the past two years. We don’t know whether this is caused by Christmas, or by […]

Docear 1.01 with some minor improvements and bug fixes

A few days ago we released the experimental version of Docear and wrote about it in our experimental release forum (you can subscribe to that forum if you want to be informed about new experimental releases). Today we declare Docear 1.01 as stable and from now on it’s available on our primary download page. Changes […]

Searching and filtering via 2-dimensional tags (i.e. attributes): One of Docear’s most powerful features

One of Docear’s most unique feature is its “single-section” user-interface, which allows a highly effective organization of your PDFs, references, and notes. When you want to look-up some information you browse through your data, and usually you should be able to find what you are looking for quite fast. However, sometimes browsing your data is […]