Students & PostDocs: We have open positions in Tokyo, Copenhagen, and Konstanz (2-24 months)

Update 2016-01-12: The salary in Tokyo would be around 1.600 US$ per month, not 1.400.

2015 has been a rather quiet year for Docear, but 2016 will be different. We have lots of ideas for new projects, and even better – we have funding to pay at least 1 Master or PhD student, to […]

How to proceed with the development of the Docear4LibreOffice add-on ?

More than half a year ago, we started a call for donation to pay a freelancer who wanted to develop an add-on for LibreOffice and OpenOffice, comparable to Docear4Word. Originally, we estimated that it would take about 2 months before the work was completed, or at least a decent demo version was ready to released. […]

Docear 1.1.1 Beta with Academic Search Feature

As you may know, Docear features a recommender system for academic literature. To find out which papers you might be interested in, it parses your mind maps and compares them to our digital library with currently about 1.8 million academic articles. While this is helpful and might point you to papers relevant for your general […]

Docear’s new workspace and workflow concept: We need your feedback!

In the past years, Docear evolved to a powerful software for managing literature and references. However, we have to admit that Docear is still not as user friendly as we would like it to be. This is mainly caused by the workspace concept which is not very intuitive.


Wanted: Participants for a User Study about Docear’s Recommender System

We kindly ask you to participate in a brief study about Docear’s recommender system. Your participation will help us to improve the recommender system, and to secure long-term funding for the development of Docear in general! If you are willing to invest 15 minutes of your time, then please continue reading.


Developer for Docear4Word (Mac) wanted

Since more than one year we are offering Docear4Word, an add-in for Microsoft Word that helps you creating bibliographies. Unfortunately, the add-in is only available for the Windows version of Microsoft Word. We would love to offer a Mac Version, too, but don’t have the skills to do this. If you know how to […]

Native English speaker wanted to narrate our new teaser video

In the past, there was a bit of criticism on our teaser video. For many people, it did not really help to understand the main ideas of Docear. Others were complaining about the “annoying” background music. Well, in the past week we created a new video.

For the best viewing experience watch the video […]

Who wants to develop Docear4LibreOffice or Docear4OpenOffice?

A few months ago we released Docear4Word. Docear4Word is an add-on for Microsoft Word that allows you to insert and format citations and bibliographies very easily in MS Word. Many of our users love Docear4Word. However, not all of our users are using Microsoft Word but many are using OpenOffice or LibreOffice. One of them […]

Three new research papers (for TPDL’13) about user demographics and recommender evaluations, sponsored recommendations, and recommender persistance

After three demo-papers were accepted for JCDL 2013, we just received notice that another three posters were accepted for presentation at TPDL 2013 on Malta in September 2013. I think the papers are quite interesting (well, that’s probably no surprise since I wrote them ;-)). They cover some quite novel aspects of recommender systems relating […]

Docear at JCDL 2013 in Indianapolis (USA), three demo papers, proof-reading wanted

Three of our submissions to the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) were accepted, namely

Docear4Word: Reference Management for Microsoft Word based on BibTeX and the Citation Style Language (CSL)

In this demo-paper we introduce Docear4Word. Docear4Word enables researchers to insert and format their references and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, based on BibTeX and […]

We need your help (i.e. a server) to build a repository for academic PDF files

It’s a while ago that we started crawling the Web for academic PDFs to index them and use them for Docear’s research paper recommender system. Meanwhile, we have collected quite a few PDFs. Unfortunately, in a foreseeable future, our servers’ disks will be full and the load of our servers is too high already (that’s […]

Don’t be shy: Write a testimonial about Docear

Today I was giving a presentation about Docear. Among others I wanted to show how positive many researchers respond to the concept of Docear. So I assembled a little picture with quotes about Docear (SciPlore MindMapping respectively) (see figure below).

After the presentation one of the attendees told me, he was surprised to not […]

Dreaming of an integrated Java PDF Viewer for Docear

Maybe the most disturbing thing about Docear is the lack of a proper PDF reader that creates comments, bookmarks and highlighted text that can be imported by Docear and that runs on all operating systems. Personally, I use Foxit Reader and create bookmarks to remember important statements but it can’t highlight text properly. PDF XChange […]

Docear Video Teaser Online

We created an introductory video for Docear. It aims at providing a brief overview of Docear’s capabilities and the basic workflow. Please let us know what you think could be improved. Personally, I believe it could be done much better in general but we don’t have the skills to do it ;-). If you have […]

Docear4Word – Help us developing it

Up to now we recommended using BibTeX4Word to cite your papers in Microsoft Word. However, the installation of BibTeX4Word is complex and usage is not that user friendly (the Word add-ons from Zotero and Mendeley are much more comfortable).

Originally, we planned to develop our own Docear4Word but we just don’t have the time because […]