Docear at JCDL 2013 in Indianapolis (USA), three demo papers, proof-reading wanted

Three of our submissions to the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) were accepted, namely

Docear4Word: Reference Management for Microsoft Word based on BibTeX and the Citation Style Language (CSL)

In this demo-paper we introduce Docear4Word. Docear4Word enables researchers to insert and format their references and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, based on BibTeX and […]

Docear’s PDF Inspector 1.01 released (title extraction now over multiple lines)

Docear’s PDF Inspector had a little bug: titles from PDFs were only extracted over the first two lines. That means when you had a PDF whose title expanded over three or more lines, only a part of the title was extracted. This bug is fixed in the current version 1.01.

Just for those who don’t […]