Photos from the TPDL 2013

The 17th International Conference on Digital Libraries (TPDL2013) is almost over. There were many interesting presentations, great weather, and awesome food :-). I took some pictures, that you also find on Facebook, G+, or as a single file download on Dropbox.

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New paper: “A Comparative Analysis of Offline and Online Evaluations and Discussion of Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation”

Yesterday, we published a pre-print on the shortcomings of current research paper recommender system evaluations. One of the findings was that results of offline and online experiments sometimes contradict each other. We did a more detailed analysis on this issue and wrote a new paper about it. More specifically, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of […]

New pre-print: “Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation: A Quantitative Literature Survey”

As you might now, Docear has a recommender system for research papers, and we are putting a lot of effort in the improvement of the system. Actually, the development of the recommender system is part of my PhD research. When I began my work on the recommender system, some years ago, I became quite frustrated […]

Docear 1.0 RC3: Improved monitoring concept, neater GUI, and many bug fixes

Today we released RC3 (Release Candidate) of Docear 1.0 (not yet on the official download page but here in the Blog only). It has one major change compared to previous Docear versions, namely we got rid of the “Incoming” mind map. In the past, most users never really got used to the idea why there […]

Which one is the best reference management software?

Update 2013-10-14: For a more serious analysis read What makes a bad reference manager? Update 2013-11-11: For some statistical data read On the popularity of reference managers, and their rise and fall Update 2014-01-15: For a detailed review, read Comprehensive Comparison of Reference Managers: Mendeley vs. Zotero vs. Docear

<irony>Have you ever wondered what the […]

Who wants to develop Docear4LibreOffice or Docear4OpenOffice?

A few months ago we released Docear4Word. Docear4Word is an add-on for Microsoft Word that allows you to insert and format citations and bibliographies very easily in MS Word. Many of our users love Docear4Word. However, not all of our users are using Microsoft Word but many are using OpenOffice or LibreOffice. One of them […]

Docear 1.0 (RC2) available with many bug fixes and better support for MacOS PDF viewers

There is a new version of Docear available for download. It’s basically the (experimental) RC1 version done right. RC2 fixes a lot of bugs that were caused by the new workspace model with multiple projects, it features a refined and polished version of the Ribbon, fixes a lot of bugs in general and supports the […]

Preview of Docear’s (Web) Collaborative Mind Mapping Tool to be presented at HTW in Berlin

Since March, Docear offers a simple web-based mind map viewer, developed with some of our volunteering students. On next Friday, July 12th, at 10:30am the students will present their final work at the HTW in Berlin. You are sincerely invited to join the presentation and be first to see Docear’s new collaboration and synchronization feature. […]

Docear welcomes Georgia M. Kapitsaki, a visiting researcher from Cyprus, who will be supporting us with our recommender system

Dr. Georgia M. Kapitsaki

Yesterday we welcomed Dr. Georgia M. Kapitsaki here in our main office in Magdeburg, Germany. Georgia is from the University of Cyprus and will stay one month with us. Her main interest lies in our research paper recommender system and she will support us in improving our recommender system […]

Docear 1.0 (RC1) released with new workspace and new UI (ribbons)

The last version of Docear was released three month ago and you might wonder what we were doing. Well, I can tell you we were really busy. Besides working on some research papers for conferences in Indianapolis and on Malta (read here and here), we finally implemented two major milestones for Docear. These two milestones […]

Three new research papers (for TPDL’13) about user demographics and recommender evaluations, sponsored recommendations, and recommender persistance

After three demo-papers were accepted for JCDL 2013, we just received notice that another three posters were accepted for presentation at TPDL 2013 on Malta in September 2013. I think the papers are quite interesting (well, that’s probably no surprise since I wrote them ;-)). They cover some quite novel aspects of recommender systems relating […]

Docear at JCDL 2013 in Indianapolis (USA), three demo papers, proof-reading wanted

Three of our submissions to the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) were accepted, namely

Docear4Word: Reference Management for Microsoft Word based on BibTeX and the Citation Style Language (CSL)

In this demo-paper we introduce Docear4Word. Docear4Word enables researchers to insert and format their references and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, based on BibTeX and […]

Docear4Word 1.1: Support of “Suppress Author”, “Author only” and some other nice options

Docear4Word 1.1 is available for download and it offers two new features that will improve your work with references in Microsoft Word a lot. Actually, we added two new elements to the “Add References” dialog.

The first one is a “Docear->Docear4Word” button. It’s intended for adding several references at once when you have multiple BibTeX […]

Docear’s PDF Inspector 1.01 released (title extraction now over multiple lines)

Docear’s PDF Inspector had a little bug: titles from PDFs were only extracted over the first two lines. That means when you had a PDF whose title expanded over three or more lines, only a part of the title was extracted. This bug is fixed in the current version 1.01.

Just for those who don’t […]

Docear4Word 1.02: Fixing some sorting problems

Docear4Word 1.02 is available for download. It fixes one bug that occurred when adding several references at once. For instance, when you inserted three references [1-3], added another three references [4-6] and then added all six references again you would expect to get [1-6] but instead you got a list like [1,2,5,3,6,4].

Just for those […]

We offer a paid internship for Bachelor students from Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain

We are glad to announce that we, again, will offer a paid internship in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD). If you are an undergraduate student, interested in software engineering or statistics, and coming from the Greece, Italy, Portugal, or Spain, get yourself started and do an 8-12 weeks internship in summer or […]

Docear Beta 9 with several bug fixes and feature enhancements

The 9th Beta of Docear is available for free download. It contains no new features but several bug fixes and feature improvements. One improvement includes the removal of line breaks in imported annotations. So far, when you highlighted text over several lines in a PDF, Docear imported the lines breaks of the highlighted text which […]

Preview of the Docear Online Viewer

A few month ago we announced to develop an add-on allowing researchers to collaborate on the same data. Well, we haven’t finished this completely yet but the first step is done. In the past few month we developed an online viewer that allows you to view your backuped mind maps in your web browser. Right […]

Docear4Word 1.01 with bug-fixes and some enhancements

Today we released Docear4Word 1.01. The add-on for Microsoft Word allows you to manage your Docear references (and any other references stored as BibTeX) directly within Microsoft Word. Version 1.01 includes the following changes. Download it here!

Added warning message if a BibTex file is considered corrupt, rather than just ignoring it. (#740, #692) BibTex […]